Sunday, 9 May 2010

How To Find Out Whether You Are Internet Addict?

You have probably heard many times about an Internet addiction from your friends. You might have read about it in newspapers and magazines. You might have watched the TV programs telling about children and adults who spoiled their lives by sitting in front of their computers and spending sleepless nights by it. What did you do when you heard or read about this? Probably, you smiled disdainfully, being sure, that it wouldn’t happen to you. How do you know? How can you find out that you are an Internet addict?

The first signs of Internet addiction are the following. Imagine that you are at work now. You have a computer, but no Internet connection. You have plenty things to do, but all you can think about is that you need to check your e-mail, visit your personal Myspace page, or play your favorite RPG game, World of Warcraft. You are so willing to do this that your work seems to be a burden. Well, these may be the first symptoms of addiction.

Supposedly, you still do not feel like being addicted and you are sure that you are not. Well, there is one more test that will help you to find out your diagnosis. Try not to use Internet during 24 hours. Do not check your email, do not play Warcraft, don’t even read useful manuals on how to get your WoW Gold, don’t even approach your computer or laptop. Do you feel confused or frustrated? Do you have an overwhelming desire to check an antivirus status of your computer or just use an instant messenger? If you don’t, you are not addicted.

Nowadays, it is difficult to find a person who has not heard about World of Warcraft, which is one of the most popular RPG games. Thousands of people spend their spare time playing this game. They think of leveling up their heroes 24 hours a day, they buy WoW gold for incredible sums of money, they sift through a number of web sites looking for a useful information that can help them to improve their performance. You may think that all those people are insane, but they don’t.

Do you like paintball? How often you and your friends go and play it. Let’s assume it happens once or twice a week. You don’t even think that you may be addicted to this game. You are sure, that this is your hobby. Not all people playing WoW are addicts as well. Some people are just interested in it, it is a kind of passion. Some people collect postage stamps, some collect badges, candy wrappers or coins, some play WoW. People can control themselves if they want to, just don’t let your hobby absorb you and you will never become addicted.

Before you go and purchase the World of Warcraft account - visit this web site with advice about how to buy WoW accounts and not get screwed, how to choose WoW accounts and where to find the best price on the WoW accounts.

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